
In bequeathing Java

Diposting oleh maniactoons | 04.50 | | 0 komentar »


A mechanism to settle state and beahviour from the superclass to the subclass.
Inheritance offers a concept reused in the development of software.

Program development segitga class
triangle program
(class Segitiga
protected int base;
protected int level;

void setAlas (int newValue) (
base = newValue;

void setTinggi (int newValue) (
high = newValue;

double getLuas () (
return 0.5 * base * high;

Program SegitigaKaki inherit a program segititga
SegitigaKaki Segitiga class extends (
double getKeliling () (
return base + Math.sqrt (0.5 * base * base + * high-high);

Program hitungSegitigaKaki
import java.io. *;
(class hitungSegitigaKaki
public static void main (String [] args) (
A triangle Segitiga = new ();
SegitigaKaki b = new SegitigaKaki ();
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (System.in));

int temp;
System.out.print ( "Length of base:");
try (
temp = Integer.parseInt (br.readLine ());
a.setAlas (temp);
b.setAlas (temp);
) Catch (IOException e) ()
System.out.print ( "Height:");
try (
temp = Integer.parseInt (br.readLine ());
a.setTinggi (temp);
b.setTinggi (temp);
) Catch (IOException e) ()
System.out.println ( "Area is:" + a.getLuas ());
System.out.println ( "circumference is:" + b.getKeliling ());

Pemograman Java

Diposting oleh maniactoons | 04.44 | | 0 komentar »


Oop, Object Oriented programming
Pemograman a form that supports Encapsulasi, Inheritance, and Polymorphyms

a class pemograman language and techniques that are based on an object, where data structures terenkapsulasi routine that operates with the data.

Triangle Program
class Triangle (
protected int base;
protected int level;

void setAlas (int newValue) (
base = newValue;

void setTinggi (int newValue) (
high = newValue;

double getLuas () (
return 0.5 * base * high;

Program calculated the triangle
(class hitungsegitiga

public static void main (String [] args) (
s triangle = new Triangle ();
s.setAlas (9);
s.setTinggi (9);
System.out.println ( "Area is:" + s.getLuas ());

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